Monday, 7 March 2011

Inspirational Kinetic Type

New Brief: to create a piece of kinetic typography using a piece of audio that you find inspiring. It is preferable to use creative practitioners or people with a creative background.

I began by feeling very excited about his project but then utterly daunted at the prospect of learning after effects - never having touched it.

Our first task though was to choose three possible audio tracks that we could use. I decided to try and find people within the music industry as I felt I would feel more excited as it is something I was interested in. After failing to find anything without music in the background or distorted by people like Grace Jones or Kate Bush, I found two clips; one by Storm Thorgerson the designer of the Dark Side of the Moon album cover and Thom Yorke the lead singer of Radiohead. I then found a fairly interesting piece by Tim Burton but I felt it really wasnt as exciting for me as the other two.

Here they are.

Storm Thorgerson by alexabrittain

Thom Yorke by alexabrittain

Tim Burton by alexabrittain

Inthe end I decided on the Storm Thorgerson one. I felt it had far more scope in the project in terms of creating visual imagery using the words he is saying. His words also resonated with me after seeing one of his shows last year and I was in awe at how he always sticks to very analogue techniques and the outcomes he produces because of it.

We also had to create visual research based on the three inspirational people and time the words for each audio track.

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