Sunday, 6 March 2011

Elliott Erwitt at the Cochrane Theatre

On the 21st Feb I went to go see the iconic photographer Elliott Erwit be interviewed in the Cochrane Theatre. I have to admit I didnt know him too well before I heard about the show but when i started researching his work I recognised so many of his images I felt frustrated I hadn't known him more before now.

The show featured Erwitt being interviewed and talking through many of his images which were very subtly humurous. I felt the interviewer was really annoying and thought Erwitt knew it too and compensated very well for this; making jokes that the put the interviewer firmly back in his place.

Erwitt seems such an honest guy who really draws inspiration from everything around him and his views on photography in the digital age were also really interesting.

Afterwards he came out and signed stuff for people. However it was quite sad when this woman came up and said she worked with him at Magnum in the 60's and he had no recollection of her whatsoever, but then again I'm sure he's met so many people throughout his long life.

Overall it was a real inspiration to see this interview.

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