Tuesday, 22 February 2011

Green Package returned!

So last week we were asked to design an A1 black and white poster that summed up everything we had been doing in the mail art project so far.

Two days before the hand in my mystery object package turned back up so I went and got the photos developed. It was exciting wondering what was going to come back even if we have found ourselves with far better projects within the mail art brief.

It was also really nice to see the layers of stamps on the one envelope and all the different franking stamps.

Some of the photos turned out far better than others. Some were dark and blurry, so I've just included a few of the better ones... it seems a lot of people have the similar ideas about what the object might be!

The last picture is our poster design. I feel our design was ok however after the crit I realised just how cluttered the poster was. We really didn't need all the information that we included and allocated far too much space to the mystery object project when we have been far happier and excited about the fan mail and the stop watch project. When I get some spare time I'd really like to redesign the poster and really simplify it down.

It was also difficult to design a poster as a group of four since only one person could work on the computer at a time and yet we wanted to include so much so it took a long time to complete.

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