To start off, I wrote to a J.Oliver and a J.Bond - we found out their adressess using an online phonebook.
It's quite funny as well that we don't actually know what their first name is...I could be writing to a woman.
The letter to Jamie Oliver is from the point of view of a super fan someone who spends all their time trying to meet Jamie Oliver. I wrote this one on a computer but for the second one i thought it might be interesting to write it form the point of view of a child.
When i wrote the letter to J. Bond i pretended to be Jack an 8 year old who had just seen all of the James Bond films.
I really hope we start getting replies from these letters and I will be sending out more soon as I really like the concept. Other people have written to dead and fictitious people and I think it might be interesting to perhaps leave out the photograph in some to see whether the individual is more inclined to sign an autograph.

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