He spoke about why we like and don't like design and how you come across difficulties when dealing with clients who just dont like your designs and possibilties to overcome these.
He spoke a lot about the psychology behind the idea of liking baked up by experiments that people had conducted based on for exmaple how we come to love a particular song and ultimately hate it after listening to it too many times.
I found this so interesting sinceI've always had a love for psychology and it tied in so nicely with graphic design - making me realise sometimes people are just not going hate what you do no matter what you say.
At the end of the talk he did a kind of question and answer session with the audience. They were bribed with limited edition moleskines and they told their stories of difficult clients and how they overcame issues with them.
One guy told the story of his boss who happened to be colour blind. The team showed him their idea which he hated and said come back in half an hour with a completely different colour scheme. So they went away and did nothing. Came back and showed it to him again and he absolutely loved it.
However a vast majority of people agreed that as long as you provide a narrative as to how you reached your final conclusion people SHOULD be interested in your ideas and what you have to say. This will definitely be something to bear in mind in the future.
At the end we all got a really nice poster where you can hang it either way up depending on whether you want to dislike or like something.
Overall i 'liked' the talk.
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