From doing this project i feel far more confident in using the workshops and in experimenting with materials; it would be inetersting to see what other materials you could end up making type out of and how you could photograph 3d type.
Here is the working process. I decided to make mine fairly small; i liked the idea of being able to carry it round with me when we have to finally destroy it because you never know where you might end up!
To begin with we had to stick a cutout of our letter onto the wood and then cut about a milimetre away from the edge.
After cutting out the middle i then had to sand down all the edges.
Playing around with the final products.
I then decided to vacuum form my letter so that i would have a mould to fill for my second destroy letter where you could use any material as long as it is white.
However, the purple plastic was so strong that my b was literally stuck inside the plastic and there was nothing else i could do but to cut it out and ruin the mould. So i had to redo the vacuum forming with a thinner white plastic.
And here is the final b being painted and photographed.
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