Monday, 31 October 2011

Technology Light Play

So this is my final outcome for a project I've been working on called Biographies.

Everyone in our class was randomly assigned a famous and interesting person including designers, chefs, cartoon characters, thinkers and so on.

I was given Oskar Fischinger.

I had never heard of him before but I really loved his animations he made; he was just so ahead of his time.

Aside from his animations he also made a machine called a lumigraph.

When a button was pressed, this caused a particular coloured light to shine.

When multiple buttons were pressed this made patterns that would move around.

I became interested in how in everyday live we are constantly pushing buttons on technology and subsequently are making things light up, flash and move without even realising it.

My final piece is more a collection of experiments from filming this lights; playing with the sound, speed, rhythm and making patterns out of the shapes.

I really feel this is something I would be interested in pursuing further -  one week just wasn't long enough.

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