Monday, 31 October 2011

Technology Light Play

So this is my final outcome for a project I've been working on called Biographies.

Everyone in our class was randomly assigned a famous and interesting person including designers, chefs, cartoon characters, thinkers and so on.

I was given Oskar Fischinger.

I had never heard of him before but I really loved his animations he made; he was just so ahead of his time.

Aside from his animations he also made a machine called a lumigraph.

When a button was pressed, this caused a particular coloured light to shine.

When multiple buttons were pressed this made patterns that would move around.

I became interested in how in everyday live we are constantly pushing buttons on technology and subsequently are making things light up, flash and move without even realising it.

My final piece is more a collection of experiments from filming this lights; playing with the sound, speed, rhythm and making patterns out of the shapes.

I really feel this is something I would be interested in pursuing further -  one week just wasn't long enough.

Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Minotaur at the Old Vic Tunnels

Over the weekend I went to an exhibition which was being held in The Old Vic Tunnels under waterloo train station.

All the work in the exhibition related to the theme of the ancient Greek mythological creature The Minotaur.

I really enjoyed the atmosphere of the tunnels and there was also a restaurant down there as well as bar which you could use.

Michael Najjar's motion work was hypnotizing; a cityscape that altered slow slowly you were aware something wasn't quite right but you couldn't see it change until it had.

Doug Foster's work also had this same effect; a projected image held above water that had such a fluid symmetrical motion you couldn't take your eyes off it.

For the exhibition Stanley Donwood also created a piece where you entered into a labyrinth that had strange noises, lights and heights to make you feel uneasy. A room of mirrors at the end also threw you off balance.

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

New Technology

Last year we were given a project that I never got around to putting up on here.

I really enjoyed this project as I had the opportunity to really incorporate my love for music.

The brief was to find a new way of using a piece of technology and experimenting with materials and technology. 

I started out quite lost until I bought a lovely old gold projector from Battersea car boot fair.

This got me started thinking about light and shadows.

I then started using my scanner as a way to control light.

I shone the light from the projector into the scanner then begun to move the lid of the scanner up and down in time to music whilst the scanner was scanning.

It took a lot of experimentation to get the effect right; using different objects and techniques.

The outcomes I made were pieces of visual music - of about the first 20 seconds of a song (the time it takes for the scanner to scan)

Here are some of the results:

I think it's important with these images to click on them to make them bigger

This is Rolling Stones' Under My Thumb

And this is Mozart's Eine Kleine Nachtmusik