Tuesday, 17 May 2011

A Popular Brief - Vinyl cover re-design

So last week Peter Chadwick, otherwise known as the company popular, came in to talk about his work including having art directed album covers such as the infamous Primal scream's Screamadelica to Groove Armada's logo.

After the talk he then set us a brief - to redesign our favourite 12" vinyl cover. After some tough decisions and being unable to find various covers I opted for Grace Jones - slave to the rhythm. I think the cover pretty much says it all - accentuating her most well known features; her mouth and hair.

I knew form the start this would be a difficult option, especially because on the back there is a ridiculous amount of text; exerpts taken from books as well as bits of interviews and a neverending list on contributors.

So where to start?

Well, after talking to Peter I really felt I wanted to get away from Grace Jones' face. All her album covers feature her face in some way and I think it would be interesting to take her face away and see what else I could come up with.

So I started looking into the meaning behind the song, but also the word rhythm and how rhythm can be represented visually.

Whilst researching, I came across this really interesting video for a band which uses 4 cardiography machines to map the different parts of the songs...a very interesting watch and kinda similar to another project i worked on last term...which will be posted very shortly!

The video can be found here.


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