Thursday, 11 November 2010

Logo Project

The Brief: to produce a symbol which communicates study in higher education.

The first task was to collect together 100 logos which are linked by a theme. It started as computer related logos then moved onto internet service providers since there were so many!

We then had to produce 100 logos of our own. Some of which were made during a day drawing workshop and some were done on our own. Out of these 100 1 was then chosen to be worked on.

For me, it was the inky line in the second row down. I think the some of the other logos were just shapes that had kind of lost their meaning...logos trying to be logos. I think I had also used regular circles far too much; the smudge had a nice analogue feel to it with a sense of movement.

The themes I was working with were using others to help improve your own work and gaining knowledge as you progress through the course and having a sense of momentum when working.
The chosen logo but more refined. Testing out thickness of line size and filling of the circles, the length of the logo and using anologue or digital circles.

After showing these, it was felt the logo looked to much like a comet; the line down the centre just wasn't working. After many more attempts i began to layer up the lines of ink i had done to give it more depth and so the grain became more obvious. I also made sure there was a more gradual gradient. I think it really progressed from the comet stage and am really happy with the result.

Final logo: Acquiring knowledge and skills as you progress through the course and keeping a sense of momentum when working.

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