Saturday, 1 December 2012

Gentletude typographic award - shortlisted

So our first project of term was to create an entry for the Gentletude typographic award which aims to promote kindness through the use of a mobile phone.

Yesterday I found out my entry was one of the 14 shortlisted and the finalists will be announced on Monday.

For the brief, I presented Gentletude as a fictitious elixir that could be given to people when they were in a bad mood. The type and colours of the design were based on the advertising and packaging of quack medicine from the victorian era.

My entry consisted of three images, the first which introduced the medicine, the second which gave directions on how and when to consume the medicine and the third, which is a GIF, shows the liquid in the bottle rising up and down so users of the iphone can pretend they are drinking the liquid.

typography award entry

typography award entry

typography award entry

Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Photography in Eastbourne Shop Window

A few weeks ago I entered some of my photography of the Eastbourne carnival into a competition to be featured in an empty shop in the town centre that was being renovated by the group Eastbourne Can.

Some of the photos made it into the window and here are some of the photos of the lovely display.

eastbourne photography

eastbourne photography

eastbourne photography

eastbourne photography

eastbourne photography

Saatchi Gallery London

Yesterday I went to the Saatchi Gallery. There were some really interesting pieces in there - I was really surprised by the size of some of the sculptures.

On my way to the Museum I went past Earl's Court for the first time and really loved the architecture of the building and the font on the front.

The strangest of the pieces from the Saatchi was a room filled with oil. At first you dont realise it is there until you realise you are looking down on a reflection of the ceiling and you being the see the top layer of liquid - so eery.

One artist who didnt have their work featured but had a print for sale was Berndnaut Smilde. He has created installations where he makes a cloud form inside a space. The first two images were taken from The Washington Post.

saatchi gallery london

saatchi gallery london

saatchi gallery london

saatchi gallery london

saatchi gallery london

saatchi gallery london

saatchi gallery london

saatchi gallery london

saatchi gallery london

saatchi gallery london

saatchi gallery london

saatchi gallery london

saatchi gallery london

saatchi gallery london

Friday, 8 June 2012

I Could Last Forever

One of the birefs for this term was an exercise in visual editing.

 We were asked to listen to one of the radio shows from the series 'in our time' I found a really interesting episode all about the history and concept of youth.

It spoke about how the idea of youth has developed through history; from people not acknowledging it as a separate entity between childhood and adulthood right through to the birth of the teenager.

 With my publication I aimed to explore a wide variety of media including poems, exerpts from books and quotes. I then compared these pieces throughout the book.

Saturday, 28 April 2012

Beauty in the Making Exhibition

So yesterday I went to the Beauty in the Making Exhibition which was run in association with GF Smith Papers.

The exhibition was to showcase the methods behind paper production and the processes it goes through in order to become the paper we buy in the shops.

There were demonstrations of paper making and I even had a go at letterpress and envelope folding. There was also some amazing samples of some original hand drawn type from the 1930's. It was great to see the tipex marks on the paper - it made it so much more real.

After the exhibition I managed to go a couple of industry talks. the first one was from the director of Future Shorts the company that contains The Other Cinema, Future Cinema and The Secret Cinema. It was a really insightful talk all about the relationship between film and the audience and the future of short films and cinema.

Here are some pictures from the exhibition

No.37 Publication

So last term our class had the brief of creating a publication based around the theme of territories.

Here is the synopsis of our publication:

Through the medium of 'journeys' this publication looks to consider the relationship we have with our environment; how we record it, how we interact with it and how those things we most commonly ignore become valuable when we're at our most conscious and analytic. Through this consciousness, we seek to question the idea that destination is the sole logical outcome of our journey. You are welcome and encouraged to bring your own luggage; experiences, memories, thoughts and observations. Indeed, it is these elements that fulfil the experience offered in this book through your personal interpretation.

Here is a digital version of our book:

Monday, 12 March 2012

Eightfold Publication Launch

So these past few weeks our class has been working on designing and making publications.

This Wednesday is the launch night for all our work. It's going to be a goodun and everyone is more than welcome!

Here is the poster for the event

There will be eight publications and the one myself and gabriella have been art directing is called No. 37

As for a sneak peak here is the preface to our book:

Through the medium of ‘journeys’, this publication looks to consider the relationship we have with our environment: how we record it, how we interact with it, and how those things we most commonly ignore become valuable when we’re at our most conscious and analytic.

Through this consciousness, we seek to question the idea that destination is the sole logical outcome of our journey. You are welcome (and encouraged) to bring your own luggage; experiences, memories, thoughts and observations. Indeed, it is these elements that fulfil the experience offered in this book through your personal interpretation.

Friday, 10 February 2012

Lis Rhodes at the ICA

Today I went to the Institute of Contemporary Art and although I went for their main exhibition there I found Lis Rhodes' experimental films really interesting.

Here is her film Dresden Dynamo where she has drawn directly onto film and made sounds using the film.

I really loved this film - wish I had seen it whilst doing my Oskar Fishinger project.

Also, when researching this film I came across this other film by Erkki Kurenniemi which is also really visually interesting. The patterns on the electronic objects are really fascinating up close.

Friday, 27 January 2012

Life Skills

Last term, in groups of three, we made documentaries about businesses in Peckham.

Our group documented the company Life Skills, a centre that teachers construction work, as well as maths, english and help with getting a job to local teenagers.

Here is the final video:

Life Skills from Alexandra Brittain on Vimeo.

Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Shape Rainbow

Last term we completed an animation project with guest lecturer Max Hattler.

The class was split into 16 groups which were each given shapes and colours to base their animations on.

When put together all the films create a shape rainbow.

I was part of group nine - we had the colours green to dark green and the shape was a circle.

Here is the final film.


Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Fanzine Workshop

Yesterday we had another workshop; a fanzine workshop.

The brief: to make some form of fanzine in a day based on a given word.

My word was repeat.

I started out with some postcards I found in a charity shop which I wanted to use.

I began by experimenting with about 4 of them; photocopying them, cutting them up, adding text to them.

However I kept coming back to the idea of slicing the images and piecing two images together.

Once I had one long image I then begun folding the image into a concertina so that you could see one image one way and the other the other way.

I then created a variety of these long images which I then Japanese bound together.

The idea being you could take the pages out of the book and create the concertina for yourself.

I would really like to create a lot more of these double images, perhaps playing further with the splicing and repetition of the slices of imagery.

In terms of the concertina it might be night to experiment with text; something you can read only when you have made the concertina.