Sunday, 31 October 2010

A Typographic Moustache Lunch

Over lunch today we were set the task of creating a typographic moustache which we all had to wear during our crit in the afternoon.

Some people created their names, some typographic symmbols and some went all out and created a massive beard.

Here is a photo of a small selection of moustaches - mine is the question marks.


A Sheet of Paper

Our first day group project was called 'A Piece of Paper'. The brief - to get as many people to interact with a sheet of about A1 paper in about 3 hours.

Our group decided to cut the paper into a long chain and trap as many people as we could.

Initially we asked people to step inside the chain but most people were reluctant to do so which resulted in trapping large groups in the college canteen while eating their lunch and tourist groups outside the Tate Britain.

In total we trapped roughly 65 people.


I did enjoy this project... it was interesting to see how something we class so as insignificant as a piece of paper could attract so much attention and would make people willing to be involved.

It was also interesting bringing groups of people who didn't know each other at all together, forcing them to stand in a confined space. It was far easier to get people to join in if they all knew one another, as shown in the bottom two photos.


This blog will be dedicated to work created on the first year of the Graphic Design Communication course at Chelsea College of Art.

One of our first projects was Inspire.

We were given a street near our college which we had to you as inspiration for a 3 minute presentation which would inspire the group

Our group had a park . We were fascinated by all the old rules of the park but we noticed we had a strong negative association with rules.

We decided to turn this around and think about all the things that you can do in life ... so the rules of the park seem insignificant in comparison.

Here is the video that we made. In hindsight it would have been far better to do the actions ourselves rather using found footage.